To be clear, Iā€™m not talking about the ā€œrainbow of fruit flavorsā€ in Skittles, or the ā€œmagically deliciousā€ Lucky Charms. No, youā€™re best steering clear of these ultra-processed foods that will likely lead to inflammation and a major sugar crash.

What Iā€™m referring to are organic fruits and vegetables in their natural form. They are loaded with vitamins and nutrients, and quite delicious. Science shows that eating 5-7 servings of produce a day can reduce the risk of chronic disease and cancer.

Eating the rainbow ensures you are consuming an array of nutrients, which can lead to optimal health. Try varying your choices and colors each time you go shopping. One of my favorite ways include lot of color in a meal is by making salad for lunch and for dinner a healthy grain bowl (recipe below).

Letā€™s unpack the benefits of each color:

šŸŽRed foods– (watermelon, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, apples, tomatoes, and red peppers) Contain lycopene, fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C.These foods have been known to reduce the risk of cancer, protect against heart disease, lower blood pressure (especially beets), aid in arthritis, and GI health. Cranberries help to prevent UTIs.

šŸŠOrange foods– (carrots, oranges, sweet potatoes, apricot, peaches) They are an excellent source of Vitamin C to fight infection and lots of fiber. They contain antioxidants that help with aging and beta carotene which is good for your complexion and improves your vision.

šŸ‹Yellow foods ā€“ (peppers, bananas, lemons, mango) They contain carotinoids, which work as antioxidants. They also reduce inflammation and boost your immunity. Pinapple is good for inflammation. Eat some before your next long distance run or tooth extraction.

šŸ„¬Green foods ā€“ (leafy greens such as kale, spinach and romaine lettuce, broccoli, green beans) These are nutrient rich, with vitamin C, folate, iron, potassium and magnesium. They fight cancer, reduce the risk of obesity and cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure. It is for this reason, we can say, ā€œGreen is Kingā€. Kale and avocados are two of the most beneficial foods to include in your diet.

šŸ«Blue foods ā€“ (blueberries, blackberries, purple kale) They improve cognitive health and mood, and have loads of antioxidants.

šŸ‡Purple foods ā€“ (red cabbage, blackberries, grapes) These contain anthocyanins, which are antioxidants and help with brain health, longevity, cardiovascular health, cancer prevention and dementia.

Try incorporating as many colors into a days or weekā€™s meals as possible. The benefits are worth it, and according to research, youā€™ll feel the difference in as little as two weeks.


Healthy Grain Bowl Recipe:

5 oz. protein (grilled chicken, beef or salmon)

Ā½ c. brown rice or quinoa

Ā¼ sweet potato

Ā¼ c. broccoli

Ā¼ c. cauliflower

Ā¼ c. carrots

Ā¼ sweet onion

Ā¼ c. any fresh mushrooms

2 tbs. olive oil

Seasoning for veggies ā€“ salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion salt, paprika, pinch red pepper flakes.

Vinaigrette (optional)

Cook protein and grain separately. Chop and toss veggies with olive oil and seasoning and air fry on sheet pan with parchment at 400 degrees for 10-15 min. Scoop grain into bowl, top with chopped protein and roasted veggies. Optional- Top with fresh spinach leaves, avocado, pumpkin seeds, olives or feta cheese and drizzle of dressing. 600 calories before vinaigrette and toppings.

FREE 4 Week Course! Group meets Tuesdays in November on Zoom

This FREE course created by January Donovan, educator and champion of women, is for you if you can answer yes to any of the following questions:

  • Are you feeling powerless in light of world events?
  • Do you want to live in faith rather than fear?
  • Are you afraid to defend your conservative views?
  • Do you want to live your life and raise your kids in a counter-cultural way?
  • Do you feel your self worth and womanhood are attacked by cultural norms?

If you are ready to join thousands of like minded women in the army of strong, confident women who will lead and impact those around them, sign up for this 4 week course. You will come away with:*

  • A greater self awareness of your worth
  • An understanding of what you want and don’t want anymore
  • Refreshing discussions that are filled with hope, truth and encouragement
  • A growth mindset
  • Tools and resources to begin the journey to become the best version of yourself

Please register at the link below. There you will find more information and receive a link to the course. I will be in touch with further instructions.