Hello dear friend,

If you are receiving this email, we’ve crossed paths at some point, and I care about you!Β I want to make an official announcement…I AM A LIFE COACH! I am inviting you to join me on my journey as I grow as a coach and transition into a new season of life.

Perhaps you’re not sure what a life coach does. Here’s the short answer…a life coach is trained to encourage and help you STRIVE by listening, digging, and recognizing your God given gifts and self worth. A coach unearths self sabotaging behaviors and limiting beliefs, and helps you strategize a plan to get what YOU want and hold you accountable for success.

I sooo believe in coaching because it changed my life. Coaching helped me nix complaining, and focus on gratitude through rewiring.Β Be transformed by the renewal of your mind. -Romans 12:2. It has opened up more possibilities than I could have imagined, including allowing me to transform my wounds under the light of our divine healer, Jesus, to bring others hope.

I am creating a newsletter that will bring you bring positivity and helpful tips in the areas that I am passionate about:

  • Health and wellness of body, mind and spirit πŸƒπŸ½β€β™€οΈ
  • Marriage and relationship support πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨
  • Finding purpose and self worth through faith ✝️
  • Powerful coaching tips 🧠

If this is NOT something that interests you, I will not be offended if you unsubscribe! I know what it’s like to get too many emails. Click down below and you’ll be automatically unsubscribed. You are still my friend.

Do nothing, and you’ll get a dose of optimism and valuable content a couple of times a πŸ—“ month from a life coach who’s also an RN.

You can reach me by hitting reply or email me directly atΒ info@rosanneterzian.com.

