Happy Spring!

Thank goodness warmer weather is settling in. If you’re like me, you are looking forward to wearing some lighter, brighter clothes. But maybe, like me, dread sets in because you’re worried about your muffin top spilling over your tight white jeans. You want to lose 5-10 lbs, but you already know you will fail because that dang scale hasn’t budged in two years. That’s a fixed mindset right there, my friend!

The best way to get healthier is to start with your mindset. Start by asking yourself why you want to be healthier? Try to think big picture here, and please write it down in a journal or an index card or type it in your notes on your phone. Try not to make the reason “to fit into that body con dress” for a one-time event. What things will you do when you are healthier? Maybe it’s being more adventurous, or spending more time with family and friends, or just being happier. Go ahead, write something down right now, I’ll wait.

Next, I want you to imagine how you will feel when you are healthier. What emotions do you feel- happiness, pride, confidence? Will you walk with a spring in your step? What will you wear? Visualize something physical you will do. If it’s running a 5k, imagine the the finish line. Maybe your eyes burn as the sweat drips from your brow. Or perhaps you see yourself serving up summer cocktails in an eyelet yellow sundress at your backyard bash. I like to visualize myself hiking up a mountain. I get pretty detailed. I see the colors of my hat and top, I can feel the griminess of dirt on my tanned skin and I hear cicadas chirping around me. I see my calf muscles flexing with each ascending step.

Watch your language, especially to yourself! Let go of self-sabotaging behaviors like saying, “I’ll never lose weight,” or telling your friends and coworkers how “bad” you are because you ate 5 girl scout cookies in one sitting. There’s a 100% chance that you will have a moment of weakness, or a failure at some point. Just don’t stay there. Practice moving on from negative thoughts and simply say, “Tomorrow, I will begin again.” I challenge you not to throw in the towel this time.

Lastly, accountability helps you stick to your goals. There’s plenty of research on this, and it’s one of the many reasons people like working with a coach. Announce your goal to be healthier to a friend or your partner, or to your coworkers. You’ll be a lot more commited to yourself if you tell someone your goals.

I invite you to reach out to me for coaching if you are looking for encouragement and accountability to get into those white jeans. Simply reach out to schedule. The first session is free!

All my best,