Are you bored, restless, stuck, wanting to make a change,
or ready to level up in life?

Lets Chat.

Maybe you’ve considered working with a counselor, but you don’t know where to begin or if you really need it. Coaching is a perfect way to talk things out with someone who will actively listen and care. Coaching is perfect for you if you are bored, restless, or stuck. You desire to make a change but need help. Working with a coach will take you from surviving to thriving, because coaching moves people into action. I have helped people lose weight, start businesses, reconnect in marriage when divorce was on the table, discover and pursue a passion (with much success), and much more. It’s amazing what the support of coaching can do for you.

Coaching with me will help you improve your mindset, and help you recognize unhealthy thoughts, which produce unwanted outcomes- and keep you from the life you imagine. Our thoughts fuel our emotions, which then create our actions. Negative thoughts can literally cause stress and disease in your body, whereas thoughts that are true, good, and beautiful can bring peace and healing.

My Approach


My approach is client focused and relaxed, like having coffee with an old friend, filling them in on your life. I see and honor your value, and the unique person you are. We will begin with discovering your desires and goals and assessing your strengths. We will uncover your self sabotaging behaviors that are getting in the way of progress.

As a nurse and a lifelong student of integrated health (whole person approach), we will examine your lifestyle and behaviors that could be depleting your energy. Together we will design a plan with doable action steps to achieve your desired outcome, with accountability to keep you progressing.

My coaching strengths are: assisting you to realize the vision for your future, helping you become empowered as the main character in your life role, and being your biggest cheerleader, so that you have courage and confidence to take action and be disciplined.

1-on-1 Coaching

I offer packages of 1-3 months with each session lasting about 45 minutes. These are designed to empower you to shift your mindset, gain clarity over your desires, let go of self-imposed limitations, and live the life you really want. The more committed you are, the greater the transformation.

Group Coaching

I lead a 6-month virtual women’s empowerment group, utilizing the online New Woman Masterclass. We meet biweekly to discuss and process a range of skills and topics in every area of life, such as mindset, boundaries, making decisions, confidence, comparison, routines, and taking massive action. The group experience offers added support and accountability.

Client Kindness

"Without Rosanne I wouldn’t have known the joy that comes when procrastinators like me finally bring their dreams to fruition. She helped me hatch a plan, kept me accountable, and provided the emotional support I needed to overcome what had been the biggest obstacle to my success: myself."

G., Philadelphia


Client Kindness

"Coaching with Rosanne has given me insight on areas in my life that need improvement. I have identified roadblocks and continue to work on techniques to overcome these obstacles to experience a life of total freedom and fulfillment. From a literal assessment, I have tackled my to do list in many areas of my life from relationships to work."

Laura, Philadelphia


Client Kindness

"Rosanne is an amazing and inspiring coach. She embodies the mission self improvement. I appreciate her generosity with personal stories of both successes and failures. I have learned a lot from her, and feel very fortunate to have had this opportunity to grow. I am now living a life I love."

Rachel, Washington, D.C.